CNL Publication Search: Sejnowski, T. J.

CNL Publication Index: BibTeX

Terrence Sejnowski

This database contains all the publications of Terrence J. Sejnowski starting in 1969.

Most of these publications can be downloaded in PDF format. They are made available for individual use only; contact the publisher and the author to receive permission for reproduction in any form.

Please report any errors in the publication database here.

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Advanced Search

Found 468 Articles
Found 4 Books
Found 12 Edited Books
Found 66 Invited Reviews
Found 140 Refereed Conference Proceedings
Found 25 Cited Technical Reports
Found 138 Book Chapters
Found 370 Abstracts
Found 2 Author Responses
Found 6 Press
Found 1 Correspendence
Found 1 Thesis
Found 1233 Total.



    Edited Books

    Invited Reviews

    Refereed Conference Proceedings

    Cited Technical Reports

    Book Chapters


    Author Responses



    • Sejnowski, T. J. A Stochastic Model of Nonlinearly Interacting Neurons, Princeton University, Thesis, 1978 (PDF)