CNL Publication Index: BibTeX
This database contains all the publications of Terrence J. Sejnowski starting in 1969.
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- Ginzburg, I. Sejnowski, T. J. Dynamics of Rule Induction by Making Queries: Transition Between Strategies, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah, N. J., 18, 121-125, 1996 (PDF)
- Gerrard, I. L. Ginzburg, I. Barnes, C. A. Sejnowski, T. J. McNaughton, B. L. Accuracy of Hippocampal Place Fields in Predicting Location Is Enhanced in the Presence of Theta Rhythm, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 21, 942, 1995 (PDF)
- Ginzburg, I. Sejnowski, T. J. Dynamics of Rule Induction by Making Queries: Transition Between a Confirmation Strategy At Low Confidence Into a Diagnostic Strategy At High Confidence, Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meeting, 1995
- Ginzburg, I. Various Aspects of Artificial and Biological Neural Networks, Ph.D. dissertation, Tel Aviv University, 1994 (PDF)